Shifting sands of Zimbabwe’s history
There is no one history. Sabelo J Ndlovu-Gatsheni looks at interpretations of Zimbabwe’s national liberation struggle and how they have …
There is no one history. Sabelo J Ndlovu-Gatsheni looks at interpretations of Zimbabwe’s national liberation struggle and how they have …
Written in response to the bombardment of Gaza Attachments Scholasticide_0 (23 kB)
President Thomas Sankara was assassinated in Burkina Faso on 15 October 1987. Twenty years later, his murderers remain in power …
In October the South African Municipal Workers Union celebrates its 20th anniversary. John Mawbey tells the story of municipal workers’ …
Briefings: By Johann Maree.
Weaving our stories, together: Sactwu twenty years 1989 – 2009 South African Clothing & Textile Workers Union (Sactwu, 2009) Reviewed …
Reviewed by Drew Forrest Attachments Review. Odyssey to Freedom_0 (173 kB)
Sara Baartman and the Hottentot Venus: A Ghost Story and a Biography (Wits University Press, Johannsburg, 2009.)byClifton Crais and Pamela …
Lesley Lawson (Double Storey Books, Cape Town, 2008): Reviewed by Karl von Holdt Attachments Review. Side Effects_0 (89 kB)