Workfare: what does it mean?
Jamie Peck argues that while hard workfare in the US creates jobs it has negative social and labour market consequences. …
Jamie Peck argues that while hard workfare in the US creates jobs it has negative social and labour market consequences. …
Etienne Vlok examines how the MWU has been trying to lessen the impact of the EEA on white workers by …
Jane Barrett interviews Connie September, shopsteward at Rex Trueform and first vice-president of COSATU, on the eve of the election …
The ILO conducted a study on the social impact of globalisation. Susan Hayter reports on globalisation’s effect on job loss …
Neil Coleman, from COSATU’s parliamentary office, gave an input at the workshop. This is a shortened and edited version of …
CWIU and PPWAWU recently merged.Tanya van Meelis reports. Attachments The new superunion. CEPPWAWU_0 (2 MB)
BIG Attachments The Basic Income Grant_0 (1009 kB)
Tanya Goldman details a case study that proves that it is possible to create full-time permanent jobs, even in a …
Social security Attachments Focus on Nedlac. Revamping social security (4 MB)
Leila Patel was discussant at the workshop and responded to Jamie Peck’s input. Attachments Response to Jamle Peck_0 (4 …