Use it or lose it: why labour must engage the Competition Commission
Tanya van Meelis argues that Alistair Ruiters is constructing a Competition Commission that will take labour seriously. Labour should use …
Tanya van Meelis argues that Alistair Ruiters is constructing a Competition Commission that will take labour seriously. Labour should use …
Tanya van Meelis and Rugaya Rees interview Clive Dunstan (IMATU president) and Klasie Claassens (IMATU general secretary). Attachments The …
Competition Act Attachments The new Competition Act_0 (4 MB)
Ravi Naidoo explains labour’s proposals on implementing an effective and comprehensive social security system. Attachments Social security for a …
Dana Gampel argues that with suggested changes to regulators, unions should remove their ideological blinkers, and allow workers to organise …
Outsourcing Attachments Outsourcing statistics_0 (2 MB)
Labour migration Attachments Focus on Nedlac. Migration-challenges for policy makers_0 (2 MB)
Parties signed a Framework for Restructuring Municipal Service Provision in December 1998. Maria van Driel assesses it and argues that …
Profile: Jerry Mphahlele Attachments Jerry Mphahlele. CEPPWAWU ex-shopsteward at Fedgas_0 (3 MB)
Sakhela Buhlungu interviewed Joe Mahlangu, former CWIU shopsteward and now a manager. Mahlangu explains how he is still able to …